Quiff is an upswept hairdo , in this case very dia de los muertes.
The quiff was popularized in the 1950s by Elvis Presley. It combines the 50s pompadour with a flattop. The showy do was a middle finger to the nearly bald shave cuts of the World War II Armed forces.
Today, the style has been popularized by the soigne male, an over-groomed sophisticate. Sometimes it is wildly tousled. An abundance of hair products is involved. See current Secretary of Defense or almost any self-admiring Hollywood or reality T.V.”star.”
The word "quiff" is also slang for a woman, especially one who is easy. But that’s another story.
The skull is all about death and rebirth. It is a celebration of life. Just like when you get the perfect hairdo
This work is an inkjet print. Available in various sizes here on my Artspan Prints on Demand. Also on tee shirts and stuff on Red Bubble (redbubble.com/ketchumart) or Teepublic (teepublic.com/peterjketchum)