Stop it! The saber rattling, bomb threats, petulant challenges to each other’s leadershiply (sic) manhood. Stop the territorial wars. Religious wars. Tribal wars. Trade wars. Life-threatening snits. War, war, war. Stick out hands not playground tongues. JUST STOP IT. Democrats and Republicans: congress for heaven’s sake. While Congress fights like a rat snake eating itself alive, wars rage around the globe. In Kenya, Iraq, Congo, China, Chad, Pakistan, Columbia, Taiwan, Ethiopia, The Philippines, Afghanistan, Russia, USA, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, Algeria, Myanmar, Turkey, Nigeria, Myanmar, India, Sudan, Brazil, etc., etc., etc. And that leaves out dozens of minor skirmishes and interracial conflicts. Just STOP IT! Just effing stop it before it’s too late. Signed XXX , Not Cassandra. Not wanting to profit from wars, this is not for sale. For free reproduction rights (all my works do have a copyrights) contact me.