This delightful 8x6 digitally created print is signed and comes in a limited edition of 10. For the work, an early 1900s real photo postcard of a cat with attitude was adapted and colored. Soap bubbles were added, and all were mounted on a polka-dot background to match the cat’s outfit. I added the warning words. As the sign says, chase your own damn soap bubbles. This cat absolutely will not.
Like all cats, this one has a mind of its own. Yes, it sees you blowing soap bubbles in hopes of engaging it in play. But it is not interested in chasing, swatting or popping them. It thinks you are quite mad to even try to interest it in your silly games. Have you forgotten the rules?
A cat chooses the play time. It charms you into playing when IT wants to be amused. A ball of yarn. A catnip mouse. Paper on a string. Whatever. BUT, if you initiate play, it will refuse to be drawn in, particularly if it’s not in the mood to humor you. Soap bubbles. Really?
Cats are connoisseurs of comfort. They have developed lethargy into an art form. They have the arrogance of royalty and the vanity of nouveau riche housewives. Pamper them. Cater to their every needs. But, to paraphrase T.S. Eliot, remember, the cat will do as it does does does, and there’s no do do doing anything about it.
Eliot, Cervantes, Lovecraft, Collette, Sandburg, etc. all wrote about cats and the desire to play with them. Cervantes in fact warned, “those who’ll play with cats must expect to be scratched.”
Go ahead. Blow bubbles at your cat. But be prepared to be scratched.
Like all cats, this one has a mind of its own. Yes, it sees you blowing soap bubbles in hopes of engaging it in play. But it is not interested in chasing, swatting or popping them. It thinks you are quite mad to even try to interest it in your silly games. Have you forgotten the rules?
A cat chooses the play time. It charms you into playing when IT wants to be amused. A ball of yarn. A catnip mouse. Paper on a string. Whatever. BUT, if you initiate play, it will refuse to be drawn in, particularly if it’s not in the mood to humor you. Soap bubbles. Really?
Cats are connoisseurs of comfort. They have developed lethargy into an art form. They have the arrogance of royalty and the vanity of nouveau riche housewives. Pamper them. Cater to their every needs. But, to paraphrase T.S. Eliot, remember, the cat will do as it does does does, and there’s no do do doing anything about it.
Eliot, Cervantes, Lovecraft, Collette, Sandburg, etc. all wrote about cats and the desire to play with them. Cervantes in fact warned, “those who’ll play with cats must expect to be scratched.”
Go ahead. Blow bubbles at your cat. But be prepared to be scratched.