Painting, Prints, Sculpture. NOTE: Commissions available using your photos.

MARTIAN WARNING is an original 8x6 signed print in an edition of 10. Can you blame the Martians for not wanting us. Look at what we've done to our own planet. And all our wars. And battling, cumbersome religious ideologies. Who needs it. Certainly not the Martians. Or so I was told in a recent visit. (BTW They ARE green.) Sure, at the moment travel to Mars is a red hot dream. But wake up. I repeat. They don't want us. What about Planet Hollywood. It would seem a better choice in this day and age. Or the Pengheng Space Capsules Hotel in China. But then they probably don't want you either. Yeesh. Buy a signed print here then check out my tchotchke in my store on Thanks Earthlings!