“Be an apple! Be an apple!” Paul Cézanne admonished his models. He wanted them to be utterly still. Ambroise Vollard, his dealer, fell asleep while posing.
‘You wretch!” Vollard reported the painter yelled, “You have upset the pose! You should sit like an apple. Whoever saw an apple fidgeting?’ And motionless as that fruit may be, Cezanne was sometimes obliged to leave a study of apples unfinished. They had rotted.”
Cezanne painted lots of apples and studied each as carefully as he did his human subjects. “Painting from nature is not copying the object,” he wrote, “it is realizing one's sensations.”
For whatever warped path of reasoning, that led to this 8X6 signed, limited edition of ten prints.
Modern experiences are quick cut, tik-tokked, tweeted in 240 characters, instragrammed for under 60 seconds, or texted in two. Swipe right and fall in love. Dreams delivered in four hours or less. Like glaciers, we are melting quickly.
So what to do? Be an apple! Take in and relish your sensations. Ringo Beatle person updated the old saw about stopping and smelling the roses. Or coffee or whatever. Here are his lyrics.
“Stop and take the time to smell the roses/Stop and take the time to fill your noses/
Stop as you stroll through life, pitter patter, pitter patter/ Stop, there's no train to catch, no there isn't, /No, no, no/ Come on, everybody, you've got to stop on the highway/Stop when you're in a car on that highway/Roll down your window/Look for a man in a Porsche and say/
brother, let's get out and walk, let's go!? Can you hear me?/Wave to a man in a rolls/ 'Cause he knows how to live, ha! Ha/ Stop before the light turns green. Stop in the name of the law!”
Take the advice of Ringo and Paul (Cezanne) to heart.
‘You wretch!” Vollard reported the painter yelled, “You have upset the pose! You should sit like an apple. Whoever saw an apple fidgeting?’ And motionless as that fruit may be, Cezanne was sometimes obliged to leave a study of apples unfinished. They had rotted.”
Cezanne painted lots of apples and studied each as carefully as he did his human subjects. “Painting from nature is not copying the object,” he wrote, “it is realizing one's sensations.”
For whatever warped path of reasoning, that led to this 8X6 signed, limited edition of ten prints.
Modern experiences are quick cut, tik-tokked, tweeted in 240 characters, instragrammed for under 60 seconds, or texted in two. Swipe right and fall in love. Dreams delivered in four hours or less. Like glaciers, we are melting quickly.
So what to do? Be an apple! Take in and relish your sensations. Ringo Beatle person updated the old saw about stopping and smelling the roses. Or coffee or whatever. Here are his lyrics.
“Stop and take the time to smell the roses/Stop and take the time to fill your noses/
Stop as you stroll through life, pitter patter, pitter patter/ Stop, there's no train to catch, no there isn't, /No, no, no/ Come on, everybody, you've got to stop on the highway/Stop when you're in a car on that highway/Roll down your window/Look for a man in a Porsche and say/
brother, let's get out and walk, let's go!? Can you hear me?/Wave to a man in a rolls/ 'Cause he knows how to live, ha! Ha/ Stop before the light turns green. Stop in the name of the law!”
Take the advice of Ringo and Paul (Cezanne) to heart.