Painting, Prints, Sculpture. NOTE: Commissions available using your photos.

SPEECHLESS is an 8x6 original signed print on paper in an edition of ten. The dialogue balloon is empty because I don't know what to say. All the stuff going on in the world leaves me speechless. I wish the same could be said for a whole bunch of monumental big mouths in the news. Go into space, get an anti-vaxxer vaxxed, invent another anti-aging creme, do your muddy Watters thing elsewhere. Just shut up and do something beneficial. Tace, tais-toi, callate. That’s what I’d write in the dialogue balloon in all caps? SHUT UP. Tace, tais-toi, callate, molchi! STFU! That BTW stands for (S)ee (T)he (F)ine (U)nderwear in my KetchumArt store on Thanks.