"Here's to beer, here's to cheer, here's to beer." That's what they sing in the opera, Bartered Bride. But if you're not at the opera, sing it anywhere. At any time. Because, boys and girls, what time is it? It's BEER O'CLOCK. Yes it is. In a can. In a stein. In a mug or straight from the keg. It's BEER O'CLOCK. Any time. Any where. Make the rules. Don't follow them.
So, here's to you. Gan bei! Proost! Sante! Salud! Zum Wohl. Gesondheid. And CHIN CHIN. And here's to beer.
Limited edition prints are available in different sizes here on my Artspan web page www.peterjketchum.com. To find the design on pillows, tees and other inexpensive stuff go to www.teepublic.com/t-shirts/ketchumart. Thanks. And bottom's up. (I actually hate beer, but that's another print.)
7X5 digital work, signed. Also available as prints in various sizes. Click PRINTS ON DEMAND. Thanks!
So, here's to you. Gan bei! Proost! Sante! Salud! Zum Wohl. Gesondheid. And CHIN CHIN. And here's to beer.
Limited edition prints are available in different sizes here on my Artspan web page www.peterjketchum.com. To find the design on pillows, tees and other inexpensive stuff go to www.teepublic.com/t-shirts/ketchumart. Thanks. And bottom's up. (I actually hate beer, but that's another print.)
7X5 digital work, signed. Also available as prints in various sizes. Click PRINTS ON DEMAND. Thanks!