This print was originally a mixed media painting of mine available (still) here on Artspan. It was created from a repurposed English Pears Soap ad from the early 1900s. The shower curtain is stolen from an Edward Hockney painting. The pope was a1960 postcard sent to me from Rome. And the showering man was a black and white photo cut from a so-called art study in a physique magazine of 1950s. The slogan was typical of early British ads in their innocence and often with the clergy at hand. For example this unchanged border said, "A nice little boy had a nice cake of soap worthy of washing the hands of the Pope." Somehow seems less innocent now with all the scandals popping up daily. Thel imited edition print is available in various sizes on Artspan, and imprinted on stuff in our store. https://www.redbubble.com/people/ketchumart.