Painting, Prints, Sculpture. NOTE: Commissions available using your photos.

Aaron Pedals to the Moon And Back is a digital work adapted from my 48x36 painting done in the 1990s. It now hangs in the home of a Fellow (that's what he's called) of the Interior Design Hall of Fame. Can you stand it! I was torn between two quotes for this adaptation. One was, A single pedal stroke takes you anywhere. The one you see I chose after consultation with an real, honest to god Iron Man participant. The original work [the centermost rectangle part of this print] started with a found b&w cabinet card from the 1880s of a cyclist in a photo studio setting with a fake background. The work is available in different print sizes here on Artspan, and on a variety of things (mugs! tee shirts! magnets!) in our Red Bubble shop. See